
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

As we get ready for a Chromebook Rollout one of the more important things we need to embrace is Google Drive.  The core suite of tools on a Chromebook revolve around Drive.  It will be important for us as teachers to use drive as often as we can so that we know its strengths as well as its weaknesses.  I will admit, Drive is not Word, or Excel.  There are many times where I have had to revert back to the Microsoft Equivilent.  Most of the time, I can do everything I need to do in Drive and I prefer to be able to access all my documents from anywhere.

One great resource for Google Drive tutorials is the freetech4teachers blog - here.

One new tool in Docs is the add-ons.  You can access add-onsby opening any Doc, or sheet and going to the add-ons pull down menu and selecting "Get Add-On".  Feel free to browse through them and play with some of them.  Once you install one it should be available to you in the future.  

Some great add-ons:  

Docs: Easybib - Bibliography made easy
           Kaizena - Add voice comments to your students documents.

Sheets:  Flubaroo - Grade Google forms tests
              Doctopus - send out files, work with rubrics